
The goal is to retire in five years then travel and work some more:):) I consider working from home fun. it is time to turn the fun into a growing and sustainable income. Come join me in the journey.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Making a living online with content creation

Rule 1 do what you love
Rule 2 Write about what you love to do.
Rule 3 Find other people who like what you write about
Rule 4. Do not give up it takes atleast 6 months to start to see results
Rule 5. Be prepared for some lean times
Rule 6 Do not start writing
Rule 7 Contact people who can help you learn more about your online business
Rule 8 Have fun
Rule 9 Keep your sense of humor
Rule 10 DOnt forget some of the best started out wating tables, do what you have to to survive.
Rule 11 You can do it believe in your self